ESC is organising a webinar on Brexit on the 15th of February, 10h00-11h30. The objective is to discuss the basic elements of the Brexit deal with […]
Topic: Trade
The Informal Working Group on Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) officially adopted at its meeting on 11 December a package of six recommendations and […]
DG TRADE presents findings from its in-house analysis regarding the post COVID-19 era. It stresses the importance of trade and highlights that protectionist measures are […]
The EU has negotiated a comprehensive free trade agreement with Vietnam. This leads to a reduction of 99% of all customs duties and further trade […]
The European Commission’s major review of the European Union’s trade policy will include a public consultation seeking input from the European Parliament, Member States, stakeholders, […]
Due to COVID-19, Turkey has increased the import duties on products originating from third countries. Besides, European exporters will be asked to provide a declaration […]
6 April 2020, the heads of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Customs Organization (WCO) issued a joint statement pledging to work together to […]
Autonomous common customs tariff duties on certain agricultural and industrial products are suspended as from the 1st of January 2020 following the publication in the […]
In April 2016 the EU and Mercosur decided to start trade negotiations. In order to gain insights into the areas in which further progress is […]
For ESC, trade facilitation is one of the priority areas and a well-functioning rules-based trading system is a prerequisite for smooth functioning of the economy. […]
In its position paper to the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Trade, European Shippers’ Council has outlined the main priorities the organisation sees for the new […]
ESC will be speaking at the panel on IMO 2020 during the JOC Container Trade Europe conference in Hamburg on the 17th of September 2019.
On the 30th of June 2019, EU and Vietnam will sign a free trade agreement (FTA) and an investment protection agreement (IPA).
A quarter of European companies with activities in China say that they are affected by the trade dispute between China and the US.
The EU and US to hold bilateral trade talks in Washington this week.