Here is the next edition of our bi-weekly newsletter, containing a selection of the most relevant news, information, and events in the field of transport & logistics from the shippers' perspective. It is published in the middle and at the end of the month and contains an overview of all posts within the respective reporting period. For more regular news, please visit our website frequently, as we are writing news posts regularly.
The newsletter provides an overview of recent posts (news, press releases, regulations, and reports) as well as an overview of upcoming events (conferences, workshops, and meetings). For our members, we also provide more information on ESC meetings, projects, and activities.
To identify the topics of the news posts easier, you will find the topics indicated on the images assigned to each post. If you click on them, you will get an overview of all news posts published under this topic. We will frequently update the list of topics to allow for easier search functionalities.
On top of the 'Latest news' section, you will find a link to 'All news'. This will bring you to a page where we have a full overview of our news posts. You will be able to search, filter them for topics or years of publication, and sort them according to your preference. This all to allow you finding relevant news or information more quickly. Enjoy reading!
Latest news
Air cargo market suffers lowest rates in May since March 2020
- K. Kliuyeva
- June 14, 2023
Tension is mounting in the global air cargo market heading into the weaker summer months with general airfreight rates falling in May to their lowest level since March 2020 as...
‘Data Act’, EU Council and European Parliament close to agreement on much-debated issue of trade secrets
- K. Kliuyeva
- June 14, 2023
On Thursday 8 June 2023, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union submitted a document to the Member States in preparation for the next round of inter-institutional negotiations...
Parliament adopts its calendar for 2024
- K. Kliuyeva
- June 13, 2023
On 13 June 2023, MEPs adopted a proposal by the Conference of Presidents (EP President Metsola and political group leaders) for Parliament's 2024 election-year calendar.
Next year, Parliament is scheduled...
Workshop “optimizing the interconnection between inland waterway transport and urban last mile logistics”
- K. Kliuyeva
- June 9, 2023
Harnessing the Power of Inland Waterways for Sustainable Urban Freight Transport
As cities across the globe are grappling with increasing urban congestion and worsening air quality, it’s becoming essential to...
ENTRANCE project’s 5th consortium meeting
- K. Kliuyeva
- June 9, 2023
During their 5th consortium meeting on the 6th of June 2023, the ENTRANCE project partners reviewed activities and results from the past 6 months and discussed what's in store for...
VNF invests in the maintenance and expansion of French inland waterways
- A. Kortenhaus
- June 7, 2023
The 'Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC' has published a news article about the maintenance and expansion of French inland waterways by VNF (Voies navigables de France). It states...
CMA CGM starts new rail service on Mediterranean Corridor
- A. Kortenhaus
- June 6, 2023 published a news article reporting that CMA CGM launched a new rail service linking the port of Valencia with Murcia, both in southeastern Spain. This rail section is part...
EXTERNAL ACTION: European Parliament and EU Council strike provisional agreement on ‘Anti-Coercion Instrument’
- K. Kliuyeva
- June 6, 2023
As expected, negotiators from the European Parliament and the Council of the EU reached an agreement in trilogue on the regulation introducing the ‘Anti-Coercion Instrument’ on Tuesday, 6 June. Now...
China-Russia rail transit down to five days
- A. Kortenhaus
- June 5, 2023 reports that FESCO and Russian Railways (RZD) have signed an agreement to accelerate the delivery of cars and postal goods between Russia and China. The service will connect Moscow...
CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles – questions from the Presidency
- A. Kortenhaus
- June 5, 2023
With respect to the policy debate about the 'Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 as regards strengthening the CO2 emission...
ENTRANCE: Online workshop results for urban mobility iniatives
- A. Kortenhaus
- June 3, 2023
The “Zero Emission Urban Road Delivery Vehicles Market Analysis and EIT Urban Mobility Call for Proposals 2022-2024” event, held on 24 May 2023 , brought together industry experts and stakeholders...
ENTRANCE: Innovative Urban Air Mobility solutions workshop outcomes
- A. Kortenhaus
- June 3, 2023
On 19 April 2023 , the RECIPROCITY workshop on Innovative Urban Air Mobility Solutions offered an opportunity for cities, policymakers, and innovators to gather and deliberate on the most recent...
Results from Transport Minister meeting in Luxembourg
- A. Kortenhaus
- June 1, 2023
On 1 June 2023 , ministers responsible for transport met in Luxembourg to discuss a revised directive on driving licences and a revised directive aiming at facilitating the cross-border exchange...
DG MOVE issued new proposals to support clean and modern shipping
- A. Kortenhaus
- June 1, 2023
On 1 June 2023 , the European Commission presented five legislative proposals to modernise EU rules on maritime safety and prevent water pollution from ships . With 75% of the...
Upcoming events
Ports as hubs of the Blue Economy
In 2021, the European Commission published its Communication on the Sustainable Blue Economy and its TEN-T proposal, which established both the funding priorities and the transport infrastructure standards within the European Union for the ...
ETCR Seminar 2023
The European Union Agency for Railways , the European Training Centre for Railways (ETCR) , and the College of Europe jointly organise the 60th edition of the ETCR Seminar on ...
Sustainability LIVE London 2023
From 6 - 7 September 2023 , Sustainability LIVE is back in London at the Business Design Centre. It is a high level event where very influential figures from diverse ...
RailFreight Connects 2023
Ports in Europe have been increasing their investments in rail projects all over the continent but many questions still need to be answered. How can this synergy be implemented efficiently? ...
International Conference on Computational Logistics (ICCL 2023)
Computational Logistics comprises the planning and implementation of large and complex logistics tasks using computations and advanced decision support systems. It is applied in various areas, such as the flow ...
European Transport Conference 2023 – Milan, Italy
The European Transport Conference (ETC) is the annual conference of the Association for European Transport, attracting transport policy makers, practitioners and researchers from all over Europe and beyond. ETC offers ...
More events? Please find a complete list of upcoming events here (you need to be logged in as a member to see this).