K. Kliuyeva

783 posts
For general and press inquiries, please contact Katsiaryna Kliuyeva at k.kliuyeva@europeanshippers.eu.

Smarter rules for safer food and plant health

With the support of the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU, DG SANTE is organising the conference “Smarter rules for safer food and […]

Brexit grace period

Several European organisations have asked for a so-called grace period for consignments that start their journey before a hard Brexit and arrive after the Brexit […]

Shippers’ rail freight memorandum

Shippers would like to see rail transport as a real alternative to road transport. Collaboration and harmonisation are required to increase reliability and flexibility of […]

Smart Transport Manager Training

To upskill operational transport managers, Smart Freight Centre is organising the Smart Transport Manager Training (STMT). The content of the programme as well as the […]

Smart freight procurement guidelines

Smart Freight Centre issued a report with smart freight procurement guidelines on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants from freight transport and […]

Mobility Package I to be resumed

As it was agreed at the TRAN extraordinary meeting at the European Parliament on the 19th of September, MEPs will resume work on the three […]

EU funding of transport projects

Recent research conducted for the TRAN committee of the European Parliament focused on EU funding of transport projects. The study provides recommendations for improving the […]