The WTO Secretariat has published a new information note on how WTO members have used trade measures to expedite access to critical medical goods and […]
K. Kliuyeva
The WCO Annual Report 2020 outlines the main activities carried out during the 2019-2020 financial year, the main developments within the WCO and its regional […]
The Working Conditions Posted Workers Act in the European Union (WagwEU in Dutch) has been in force since 1 June 2016. The Act governs the […]
Lithuania disputes the MOBILITY PACKAGE before the EU Court of Justice Some Member States do not approve of the new measures of the EU like […]
8th of July 2020, the European Parliament voted on the Mobility Package I in the second reading. This means that the text will be published […]
9th July 2020, the European Commission welcomes the social improvements of the Mobility Package I voted by the European Parliament. However, they regret that the […]
EU leaders will meet physically in Brussels to discuss the recovery plan to respond to the COVID-19 crisis and a new long-term EU budget. On […]
Germany’s presidency of the Council of the EU covers the period from the 1st of July till the 31st of December 2020. The priorities of […]
DG TRADE presents findings from its in-house analysis regarding the post COVID-19 era. It stresses the importance of trade and highlights that protectionist measures are […]
Rail carrier LTE has tested 740-meter freight trains. The company will continue operating these trains next year. Main advantages of using longer trains include a […]
The European Commission has published its Annual activity reports 2019. Every department and executive agency of the European Commission publishes an annual activity report. It […]
The EU has negotiated a comprehensive free trade agreement with Vietnam. This leads to a reduction of 99% of all customs duties and further trade […]
12 June 2020, the European Commission proposed to further extend the scope of the Temporary Framework by enabling Member States (i) to support certain micro […]
Detailed Implementation Plan for Motorways of the Sea sets the priorities for the creation of a sustainable, smart and seamless European Maritime Space. This plan […]
In June, Norway ratified the e-CMR protocol. In place since 2011, e-CMR, the electronic protocol of the standard consignment note under the United Nations Convention […]