During their 5th consortium meeting on the 6th of June 2023, the ENTRANCE project partners reviewed activities and results from the past 6 months and discussed what’s in store for the coming ones. The project will be finalised by the end of 2023.
What’s up next for the coming months?
– Online events, including a webinar about the rebranded ARRIVAL plaform together with the ENTRANCE H2020 Task Force, focusing on synergies between projects, cities, and networks. Initiatives focused on innovation uptake are welcome to join the Task Force!
– Advisory and coaching services for innovators and solution providers, offering tailored support and guidance in various areas of expertise.
– Purchase aggregation event, showcasing a methodology for streamlining procurement processes.
-Several more market analysis reports and presentations on rail solutions, autonomous vessels and more.
To subscribe to ARRIVAL platform to get access to Knowledge Hub, please see here.
For the past market analysis reports, please see here.
To subscribe to the ENTRANCE newsletter, please see here.