Chinese customs and international trade

With the development of the Chinese initiative One belt One Road that involves a lot of countries and entities, efficient cooperation is required between all the parties involved. Customs cooperation is one of the essential elements in this project. How could the Chinese authorities progress in this area? With the developments in e-commerce presenting  new  challenges  in  customs  control, China’s  customs  agency  is  developing  a  new  approach  how  to address them. China  Customs  has  adopted  an  integrated  supply  chain  approach  to  secure  international  trade  lanes  and  to  facilitate  legitimate  trade.  The paper prepared by scholars on this topic presents  a  case  study  analysis  of  an  integrated  supply  chain  company  that  integrates  the  transaction,  declaration, logistics and financial services of e-commerce customers on its platform. It shows how this integration can also be used by China Customs to manage supply chain risks more effectively. It shows how this new approach benefits traders, customs and government. For more information, you can access the complete research paper A new Approach to Customs Control in China.

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