On the 23rd of March 2021, the European Parliament, Council of the EU, and the European Commission met for a second trilogue to discuss the […]
K. Kliuyeva
Last week, European Shippers’ Council voiced shippers’ position on unreliability and peaking prices in the maritime container transport at the meeting organised by the European […]
ESC and CLECAT sent a letter to Ms Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, to express their concerns about the ongoing […]
Following an order of the European Commission to fully transpose the directive 2015/719 modifying the weights and dimensions directive 96/53/CE, there will be a modification […]
IRU’s annual driver shortage survey has revealed that, despite reduced demand due to COVID-19, there is still an alarming shortage of drivers. Surveying 800 road […]
French customs published guidelines in English to explain to foreign operators the modalities of crossing the border in order to allow the fluidity of the […]
The European Commission welcomes the European Parliament’s vote confirming the political agreement on InvestEU reached in December 2020. The InvestEU Programme will provide the EU […]
Zero-Carbon Combined Transport is when electric trucks deliver the containers to electrically powered transshipment terminals and the cargo is then loaded onto electric freight trains. […]
ESC together with the other stakeholders call on Member States and the European Commission to ensure that the transport sector receives adequate consideration in the […]
To support the transport sector during the pandemic, MEPs revamped rules for the use of airport slots to prevent ghost flights and extended the validity […]
The European Commission’s DG MOVE has published a consultation on ‘Trans-European Transport network (TEN-T) – revised guidelines.’ EU policy on transport infrastructure aims to facilitate […]
ESC is organising a webinar on Brexit on the 15th of February, 10h00-11h30. The objective is to discuss the basic elements of the Brexit deal with […]
As a follow up to the letters that ESC and CLECAT sent to DG Competition, the two associations discussed the situation in the maritime container […]
European Shippers’ Council and Ecumene Ventures provided its comments for the European Maritime Transport Emissions Report (EMTER). The first edition of the report will be […]
European shippers and freight forwarders have once more alerted the European Commission on the current practices of liner shipper carriers as European supply chains are […]