The impact of the Red Sea crisis on Dutch business

The Dutch Shippers’ Council – evofenedex – surveyed its members on the impact of the Red Sea crisis on Dutch business. The study on the Red Sea crisis shows that more than half of companies now already recognise that strategic choices are needed for the companies’ international supply chain.

Key results of the survey

1. Adjustments in supply chains:

  • 58% of companies are considering adjustments in production and supply chains to create more resilience and redundancy against  disruptions (question 14).

2. Financial implications:

  • 35% expect a decrease in turnover due to the crisis (question 10).
  • 71% pass on (part of) the extra costs to their customers (question 11).
  • 48% fear that higher transport tariffs will harm their own competitiveness internationally (question 12).

3. Vulnerability of the international chains:

The crisis reaffirms the vulnerability of international chains. Cooperation between chain parties is crucial for stability and absorbing  disruptions.

  • 71% of respondents are satisfied with their logistics service provider (question 18).
  • 33% are satisfied with cooperation with shipping companies, especially in direct cooperation with larger shippers (question 19).
  • 52% of companies negotiate with suppliers and buyers to make alternative arrangements, for
    example by delivering earlier (question 8).

4. Preparing for future disruptions:

Companies recognise the need to prepare for possible future disruptions in their international supply chains.

Businesses are urged to actively develop scenarios, strengthen cooperation and build flexibility into their chains to deal effectively with future disruptions in the international chain.

For more information, please see the Report.