The Draghi report and ESC’s vision for a competitive and sustainable Europe

European Shippers’ Council welcomes Mario Draghi’s recent report, which underscores the necessity of substantial investments in decarbonisation, digital innovation, and infrastructure. These priorities resonate strongly with ESC’s objectives of fostering a more competitive and sustainable Europe. However, ESC recognises the considerable challenges ahead, particularly in securing public and private financing, addressing divisions among EU countries on borrowing capacities, and managing potential budget reallocations.

The EU transport sector is at a critical juncture, facing a significant shortfall in investment required for infrastructure development. The estimated €845 billion needed for the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) by 2040 highlights the urgent need for enhanced funding mechanisms. Current public funding covers only a fraction of this amount, and private investment is constrained by high costs and risks, leading to uneven progress across transport modes.

Fragmentation within the EU transport systems, caused by national regulations, lack of interoperability, and uncoordinated development, hinders efficiency and integration. Moreover, meeting the EU’s decarbonisation targets remains a formidable challenge, especially for sectors like aviation and maritime transport. Projections indicate a need for up to €150 billion annually from 2025 to 2030 and €869 billion from 2031 to 2050 to support the transition.

ESC urges a unified, cross-sectoral planning approach to ensure harmonisation and interoperability across transport, energy, and telecom sectors. Enhanced infrastructure planning, increased funding, removal of national barriers, and accelerated digitalisation are essential to support sustainable mobility.

ESC supports the EU’s strategic goals, advocating for policies that strengthen competitiveness, enhance resilience, and ensure alignment with global standards. By adopting a comprehensive strategy, ESC believes Europe can lead in sustainable transport, reinforcing its commitment to decarbonisation and digital transformation.

ESC remains committed to promoting a balanced approach that fosters sustainability, competitiveness, and compliance with international standards, ensuring a level playing field globally while advancing the EU’s economic and environmental objectives.