The 6th Plenary Meeting of the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum

ESC, as a full member and active observer of the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum, participated in the DTLF’s 6th Plenary Meeting on the 8th of December 2021. Led by DG MOVE, the meeting gathered over 100 participants: the European Shippers’ Council, industry, academia, and Member States´ representatives.

Key topics:
Update on the work of Sub-Group 1 (electronic transport documents), responsible for the promotion and facilitation of the use of data in transport documents in an electronic format. The group has received and processed input for the First Draft eFTI data requirements (Regulation on Electronic Freight Transport Information). It has also finalised the Business Process Model providing a high-level representation of the end-to-end freight transport process. What remains to be done?
o Finalize version 2 of the eFTI data requirements;
o Further define architecture options for eFTI platforms & authorities;
o Accelerate implementation (via the Implementation Committee);
o Define certification requirements (including proof of certification) and relevant procedures.

Update on the work of Sub-Group 2 (corridor information systems), responsible for the facilitation of data exchange through the establishment of federated network of platforms. SG2´s 4 teams:
o Plug & Play (team´s mission: users must be able to register & connect with a provider of choice): Expected output: specification of (distributed) “registries” and search scope setting;
o Data Semantics & Semantic Operability (team´s mission: interoperable semantics): the team continued its work on the semantic model and alignment with;
o Digital Architecture of the Federation of Platforms (team´s mission: architecture of the network of platforms and peer to peer solutions): Aspects being dealt include data sharing requirements (messaging, push/pull data), functional/semantic data sets and data structures;
o Governance (team´s mission: work on the governance structure by (1) bringing together the different teams´ deliverables – the DTLF Scheme, (2) creating a community, and (3) enabling use cases). Current issues: defining governance and stakeholder structures and how to create a community of users. Expected outputs (end 2022): technical specifications and implementing guidelines.

– An update on coordination of activities between SG1 and SG2 on data semantics and architecture.

Presentations of pilot projects implementing DTLF solutions:
o Jaime Luezas – ES Simple Platform:;
o Lasse Nykanen –;
o CaaS automated border crossing (between Finland and Norway) –;
o Fenix Network – MONDELEZ.

– An overview by the European Commission on the evolution of the Digital Europe Programme.

Key Dates:
o Entry into force of the eFTI – Regulation on Electronic Freight Transport Information: 2021;
o DTLF plenary: 9 June and 10 November 2022;
o Full application of the eFTI (start of obligation of Member-States authorities to accept eFTI data): August 2025.

For more information, please see here.

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