LEARN project at TRA2018

Vienna, 16-19 April 2018, the Logistics Emissions Accounting and Reduction Network (LEARN) project participated at the Transport Research Arena 2018 (TRA 2018). The event focused on three key areas related to transport: digitalisation, decarbonisation, and future mobility landscape. It was an ideal platform for LEARN to present its developments: together with the European Technology Platform ALICE; in collaboration with 2 other projects, AEOLIX and SELIS, at the European Commission booth; and during the panel discussions on “Modelling future scenarios on freight” and “Optimising Logistics – Environmental and Economic Benefits”.

The LEARN project as many other initiatives are working on decarbonisation. LEARN partners aim at providing businesses with the efficient methodology to calculate and report emissions. This methodology will help to work out the best way to use fuel and reduce emissions. The idea is to come up with a consistent system that can be used by different stakeholders and applied in different countries. The mandatory calculation and reporting now exists only in France and Japan. But more countries and international bodies are on the way to provide guidelines, draft new rules, and regulations. LEARN encourages logistics stakeholders to get involved on a voluntary basis at this preparatory stage and work out the best methodology for them before something different is get enforced by policy makers.

For more information about LEARN presentations at TRA2018, please see here.


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