Maritime transport
Container liners are fighting against overcapacity in the market. Alliances are one of the instruments they use facing this challenge.
Maritime Transport
Maritime Transport
Maritime Transport
Rail transport
Many shippers use rail freight as part of their logistics mix, but more could do so if the conditions were right. Unfortunately, rail freight’s performance does not always match the performance of alternatives such as road freight.
Rail Transport
Rail Transport
Rail Transport
Inland transport
Environmental policies (CO2 reduction and emissions) are an important issue in European policymaking for years to come.
Inland Transport
Inland Transport
Inland Transport
Air transport
ESC and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) are working together in piloting electronic documents. IATA started a project focused on the Airway Bill.
Air Transport
Air Transport
Air Transport

European Shippers' Council
Fostering an efficient, sustainable and digitalised freight transport system within and outside of Europe.
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