Exchange of views with Commissioner Vălean

23 January 2024, the European Parliament’s TRAN Committee held an exchange of views with Commissioner Vălean as part of the Structured Dialogue.

She discussed the progress of key files and what would remain on the agenda for the post-election period. The Single European Sky+ file was still being discussed in trilogues. Some Members of the European Parliament expressed their concerns that the ministers would block an agreement on this dossier.

The feedback on the Count Emissions EU proposal from some EP representatives was not positive, as they stated that the proposal would cause significant problems for the industry. The Commissioner explained the rationale behind the Count Emissions legislation, emphasising the need for a unified methodology to prevent the use of various measurement systems.

Several concerns were raised about carbon leakage within the context of the FuelEU Maritime legislation. Vălean stated that the Commission would continue to monitor the situation and propose improvements if needed.