ERFA, DIE GÜTERBAHNEN, UIRR, and Rail Good – Joint Paper: Strengthen European industrial and trade networks through efficient rail freight transport

An alliance of European associations is appealing to the members of the next European Parliament in a joint paper in order to sustainably strengthen rail freight transport as the backbone of intermodal logistics chains after the elections next Sunday.

The four associations – European Rail Freight Association (ERFA), DIE GÜTERBAHNEN, International Union for Road-Rail Combined Transport (UIR), and the Dutch association RailGood – outline proposals for the 2024-2029 legislative period.

Their joint paper Strengthen European industrial and trade networks through efficient rail freight transport focuses on three main areas:
1. Intermodal and intramodal competition: the race to the bottom must stop
2. Rail must be given priority in intermodal investment decisions
3. New and expanded infrastructure with an European perspective

For the joint paper, please see here.