On the 19th of January, Spain and France became the first countries to use electronic consignment notes (e-CMR) on their border crossing. E-CMR is part of a strategy to digitise trade facilitation systems. It improves the quality of the supply chain, provides reduced operational costs and increased efficiency.
With e-CMR, transport operators exchange data in real time and store logistics information electronically. While getting information about the goods in time, any required subsequent actions also happen faster and at a less cost. The potential for human error is minimized and it is possible to adopt multi-language platforms for seamless international application.
“Rules for transporting goods internationally are covered by the United Nations Convention for the carriage of goods, the CMR (Convention relative au contrat de transport international de Marchandises par Route). Transport operators, drivers and those receiving shipments use a CMR consignment note, which contains information about the shipped goods and the transporting and receiving parties. Until recently, CMR notes were only issued in paper form. In February 2008, a protocol was added to the CMR Convention concerning the use of the electronic consignment note. This protocol entered into force on 5 June 2011, and to date eleven countries have acceded to it. Just last month France acceded to e-CMR and other countries that have already joined include Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland”.
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