The process of turning the Electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) Regulation from a mere proposal into an EU law has entered its final stage – formal adoption. The Council approved the text during a meeting of Permanent Representatives (also known as Coreper) on the 18th of December. The formal adoption procedure still requires a series of formal votes both in the European Parliament and the Council and, according to a provisional scheduling, should be finalised by June 2020.
The Digital Transport and Logistics Forum played a particularly important role in the preparation of the European Commission’s proposal with ESC taking active part in the DTLF work. The Commission presented the proposal in May 2018 as part of the ‘Europe on the Move III’ proposal for safe, clean, and efficient mobility. A political agreement on the final draft text was reached by the EU Council and the European Parliament on 26 November 2019.
DTLF will ensure the regulation’s best implementation and will continue to advance its work further in the coming year.