Border checks at all German land borders to start 16 September

9 September 2024, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community of Germany informed the European Commission that it had ordered the temporary reintroduction of border control at Germany’s land borders with France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark for six months, starting 16 September 2024. This means that border checks will be possible at all of Germany’s land borders starting on that date. The complete package of stationary and mobile border policing measures, including the possibility to refuse entry at the border, will be applied at all of Germany’s land borders as allowed by EU and national law.

To make sure that the introduction of border controls does not hinder trade and that the free movement of goods is not disrupted, European Shippers’ Council encourages Germany to organise controls in the most efficient and smooth way with the use of innovative modern technology when necessary.

For more information about the temporary introduction of border controls at Germany’s borders, please see here.