European Shippers’ Council invites shippers to respond to ESC Shipper Survey 2024 Edition

ESC Shipper Survey 2024 Edition is a query on shippers’ sentiment about their relationship with container shipping companies.

During the last years, the maritime market has been affected by numerous crises: the Covid 19 pandemic, high prices caused by the Ever-Given blockade of the Suez Canal and ongoing attacks by Houthi rebels. There have been changes in the EU legislation (abolishment of the Consortia Block Exemption Regulation for shipping lines and the introduction of the Emission Trading Schemes) as well.

European Shippers’ Council has been actively monitoring the situation in the maritime sector and has engaged with stakeholders including the European Commission to represent shippers’ interests.

ESC encourages shippers to provide their feedback on their experience in the maritime sector. The deadline to fill in the survey is prolonged till the 30th of September 2024. ESC will take care of collecting the results and producing a summary that will be published.