Research on coopetition

ESC invites actors in the transport field to participate in a research on cooperation between competitors (coopetition).

The research aims to analyse such type of cooperation and assess the impact of coopetition on companies’ performances.

The potential participants are stakeholders in transport (road, rail, air, and maritime transport, forwarders, carriers, shippers, solution providers, multinationals, start-ups, etc.) who are or have been involved in alliances, partnerships, or projects, aiming to improve efficiency of operations with information sharing, value creation or appropriation, and changes in processes. The key aspect is the interaction between actors of the same market (i.e. competitors).

The input received through this research will help to evaluate the implications of coopetition on company’s daily activities and performances, understand practical impacts of participation in strategic alliances on a company and its employees, as well as to develop recommendations supporting firm performances.

To provide your input for the research, please fill in the questionnaire here.

The online questionnaire will take you about 15-20 minutes to complete and it is available online till the 17th of May 2019. The data will be treated with strict confidentiality. The participation is voluntary and a consent form is to be filled in before completing the questionnaire.

For any further information or to request the findings of the research, please contact researcher Marguerite Schuvalov at