Platform for the implementation of a future inland navigation action programme

PLATINA3 was a Horizon 2020 funded EU ‘Coordination and support action’ which centred around inland navigation and waterways. It provided targeted coordination and support activities to promote Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) in Europe and it was the successor of previous projects PLATINA and PLATINA II which provided implementation support to the European Commission for the NAIADES I and II action programmes to support IWT.
PLATINA3 ran over 30 months, commencing 1 January 2021 and comprised 13 partners from six European countries. The project was coordinated by the Dutch IWT organisation ‘Stichting Projecten Binnenvaart’.
The overall objective of PLATINA3 was to improve impact and broadening stakeholder engagement in support of the implementation of a future inland navigation programme. In more detail, PLATINA3 aimed to

- provide the knowledge base for the implementation of the EU Green Deal in relation to the further development of EC`s action programme on IWT (NAIADES) towards 2030;
- establish the bridge towards future research, innovation and implementation needs within IWT;
- set up a coordinated, interactive discussion platform of key IWT policy makers, experts, researchers, river commissions as well as representatives from IWT industry, wider logistics (other modes) and waterborne industries and other sectors
- address priority topics for the success of IWT;
- consolidate existing knowledge and outcome from relevant European projects, identifies gaps and needs for further action;
- develop roadmaps for policy measures and research and development actions (e.g. for Horizon Europe) in coordination with the network of key stakeholders;
- actively raise awareness for IWT by disseminating relevant findings, best practices and results using website, contributions to conferences, newsletters, social media etc.

ESC's contribution
ESC’s main contribution lied within Workpackage 1 (Market) which was about elaborating measures to increase the market share of IWT by expanding its integration into smart, synchro-modal transport chains reflecting the needs of Europe’ new industrial future, circular economy and decarbonisation goals. To achieve these goals, ESC performed gap analyses on R&D actions, and research on challenges and best practices for modal shift (WP1).
Further information
For more information, please visit the PLATINA3 website.